£25,000 Cash Prize

£5.00 Per Ticket

10000 Entries Left!

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Who would like to win £25k cash tax-free? With the pressure that we have on our finances today, we may struggle when paying essential bills, debts, new house deposits, mortgage payments, the taxman or be unable to afford non-essentials like holidays, shopping sprees, home refurbishments, a new car, investments and electrical goods.

With the £25,000 cash prize, the winner can control how the money is spent. Whether you take a long overdue trip or use the cash for other expenses. The choice is yours.

Entering this cash prize competition can be a great way of affording the luxuries that you wouldn’t otherwise have.

How does £25,000 cash straight in your bank account sound? Have a go at this competition, as you might just win a really big cash prize. Wait no longer, get your tickets now and Win £25,000 Cash!

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